Posted every second day…

Jun 30, 2015

June 30 – a true Baha’i

Nothing short of the spirit of a true Bahá'í can hope to reconcile the principles of mercy and justice, of freedom and submission, of the sanctity of the right of the individual and of self-surrender, of vigilance, discretion, and prudence on the one hand, and fellowship, candor, and courage on the other. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (‘Bahá'í Administration’; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)

Jun 29, 2015

June 29 – a true Baha’i

Verily, I hope from God that ye may become my associates in servitude to His Holy Threshold and my partners at the entrance of the Door of His Oneness; so that ye may equally serve in His great vineyard. Then thank ye your Lord, for He hath favored you with this manifest success. By God, the true One! this cannot be equaled either by the dominion of the world or by the gift of ruling over all regions with pomp, glory and power! Reflect ye upon the chosen ones of God in the earlier ages! How their worth was unknown during their days; how they were known by people as but ordinary individuals and unimportant persons! Afterwards, their arguments appeared, their lights scintillated, their stars beamed, their trees became lofty, their mysteries gleamed forth, their fruits were praised, their reservoirs became overflowing, their gardens adorned, their birds warbled and their joy became perfect in the Kingdom of their Beneficent Lord. 
- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  (Tablets of ‘Abdu'l-Baha vol. 2)

Jun 28, 2015

June 28 – a true Baha’i

As lawlessness spreads in the world, as governments rise and fall, as rival groups and feuding peoples struggle, each for its own advantage, the plight of the oppressed and the deprived wrings the heart of every true Bahá'í, tempting him to cry out in protest or to arise in wrath at the perpetrators of injustice. For this is a time of testing which calls to mind Bahá'u'lláh's words, "O concourse of the heedless! I swear by God! The promised day is come, the day when tormenting trials will have surged above your heads, and beneath your feet, saying: 'Taste ye what your hands have wrought!'" 
- The Universal House of Justice  (Naw-Ruz, 1979, ‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice, 1963 to 1986’)

Jun 27, 2015

June 27 – a true Baha’i

It is related that His Holiness Christ -- May my life be a sacrifice to Him! -- one day, accompanied by His apostles, passed by the corpse of a dead animal. One of them said: 'How putrid has this animal become!' The other exclaimed: 'How it is deformed!' A third cried out: 'What a stench! How cadaverous looking!' but His Holiness Christ said: "Look at its teeth! how white they are!' Consider, that He did not look at all at the defects of that animal; nay, rather, He searched well until He found the beautiful white teeth. He observed only the whiteness of the teeth and overlooked entirely the deformity of the body, the dissolution of its organs and the bad odour.

This is the attribute of the children of the Kingdom. This is the conduct and the manner of the real Bahá'ís. I hope that all the believers will attain to this lofty station." 
- 'Abdu'l-Bahá  (Tablet to Dr. M.G. Skinner, August 12, 1913: Star of the West, Vol. IV, No. 11; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)

Jun 26, 2015

June 26 – a true Baha’i

Teaching is of course the head cornerstone of all Bahá'í service, but successful teaching is dependent upon many factors, one of which is the development of a true Bahá'í way of living and the fulfillment of responsibilities which we have incurred. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 3 June 1952 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; Compilations: The Individual and Teaching - Raising the Divine Call)

Jun 25, 2015

June 25 – a true Baha’i

of Baha” (Shoghi Effendi)
They should justify their claim to be Bahá'ís by deeds and not by name... He is a true Bahá'í who strives by day and by night to progress and advance along the path of human endeavor, whose most cherished desire is so to live and act as to enrich and illuminate the world, whose source of inspiration is the essence of Divine virtue, whose aim in life is so to conduct himself as to be the cause of infinite progress. Only when he attains unto such perfect gifts can it be said of him that he is a true Bahá'í. For in this holy Dispensation, the crowning glory of bygone ages and cycles, true Faith is no mere acknowledgement of the Unity of God, but rather the living of a life that will manifest all the perfections and virtues implied in such belief.... 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, Trustworthiness: A Cardinal Bahá'í Virtue; compilation: Lights of Guidance’)

Jun 24, 2015

June 24 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

For the purpose of the Holy Year is not fulfilled by public memorials alone, befitting as they will be. Essential to its purpose is the opportunity it offers for inner reflection on the part of every Bahá'í individual. Indeed, this is a special time for a rendezvous of the soul with the Source of its light and guidance, a time to turn to Bahá'u'lláh, to seek to obtain a deeper appreciation of His purpose, to renew allegiance to Him. This is a time of retreat to one's innermost being, to the dwelling-place of the Spirit of Baha, that interior to which He summons us when He says: "Turn thy sight unto thyself, that thou mayest find Me standing within thee, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting." This is a time for recommitment to the Covenant, for rededication to duty, for revitalizing the energy for teaching, the "most meritorious of all deeds" 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From Ridvan 1992 message)

Jun 23, 2015

June 23 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

I pray that you may be manifestations of the love of Bahá'u'lláh, that each one of you may become like a clear lamp of crystal from which the rays of the bounties of the Blessed Perfection may shine forth to all nations and peoples. This is my highest aspiration. 
- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk, 'The Promulgation of Universal Peace')

Jun 22, 2015

June 22 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

Make My love thy treasure and cherish it even as thy very sight and life. 
- Baha'u'llah  (The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah)

Jun 21, 2015

June 21 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

... true consolidation is to ensure that the love of Bahá'u'lláh and devotion to His Faith are firmly rooted in the hearts of the believers; this is the essential foundation for the subsequent addition of increased knowledge of the Teachings and the development of the Bahá'í way of life. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter of the Universal House of Justice, November 3, 1974: Teaching and Commitment, a compilation from the World Centre; compilations, Lights of Guidance)

Jun 20, 2015

June 20 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

The thing the friends need -- everywhere -- is a greater love for each other, and this can be acquired by greater love for Bahá'u'lláh; for if we love Him deeply enough, we will never allow personal feelings and opinions to hold His Cause back; we will be willing to sacrifice ourselves to each other for the sake of the Faith, and be, as the Master said, one soul in many bodies. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 5 September 1946 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations vol. II)

Jun 19, 2015

June 19 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

Blessed art thou for that thine eyes were brightened by the light of guidance, thine ears heard the calling of God from the Supreme Concourse, thine heart was gladdened by the love of God and attracted unto the Beauty of God. Verily, by the Lord of Hosts, thou wilt find thyself in the Kingdom surrounded by favors on the part of thy Lord, the Clement, and the angels of mercy will herald to thee glad-tidings which are the greatest gift from the King of Might. 
- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (Tablets of ‘Abdu'l-Baha vol. 3)

Jun 18, 2015

June 18 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

The waves of the ocean of divine mercy appear at the utmost height, and the showers of the clouds of His grace and favor descend every moment. During the days of sojourn in ‘Iráq this Oppressed One sat down and consorted with all classes without veil or disguise. How many of the denizens of the horizons entered in enmity and went forth in sympathy! The door of grace was open before the faces of all. With rebellious and obedient did We outwardly converse after one fashion, that perchance the evildoers might win their way to the ocean of boundless forgiveness. The splendors of the Name of the Concealer were in such wise manifested that the evildoer imagined that he was accounted of the good. No messenger was disappointed and no inquirer was turned back. 
- Baha’u’llah  (Quoted by ‘Abdu’l-Baha in ‘A Traveler’s Narrative’)

Jun 17, 2015

June 17 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

...Bahá'ís in their deep love for Bahá'u'lláh, should be eager to apply every spiritual precept in their own lives while at the same time exercising patience, forbearance and forgiveness in respect to the shortcomings of others. It is for the Institutions of the Faith to adopt such programmes as will deepen the believers in their understanding of the teachings so that they will unhesitatingly and eagerly follow Him. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter to two individual believers, May 22, 1966; compilation: Lights of Guidance)

Jun 16, 2015

June 16 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

Without the spirit of real love for Bahá'u'lláh, for His Faith and its Institutions, and the believers for each other, the Cause can never really bring in large numbers of people. For it is not preaching and rules the world wants, but love and action. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 25 October 1949, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual; compilation: Promoting Entry by Troops, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice)

Jun 15, 2015

June 15 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

Praise be to God that your faces are shining with the love of Bahá'u'lláh. To behold them is the cause of great spiritual happiness. 
- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk, ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace’)

Jun 14, 2015

June 14 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

O Son of Being! My love is My stronghold; he that entereth therein is safe and secure, and he that turneth away shall surely stray and perish. 
- Baha'u'llah  ('The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah')

Jun 13, 2015

June 13 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

It is a vital and urgent duty of the Assemblies, both National and Local, not only to apply the Laws of Bahá'u'lláh with justice and firmness, but to increase the believers' understanding of and devotion to these Laws. In this way they will obey them not through fear of punishment but out of love for Bahá'u'lláh and because their whole lives have been transformed and re-oriented in the Way of God. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States, October 11, 1965; United States Supplement to Bahá'í News, No. 97, March 1966; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)

Jun 12, 2015

June 12 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

He [Baha’u’llah] derived His descent, on the one hand, from Abraham (the Father of the Faithful) through his wife Katurah, and on the other from Zoroaster, as well as from Yazdigird, the last king of the Sasaniyan dynasty. He was moreover a descendant of Jesse, and belonged, through His father, Mirza Abbas, better known as Mirza Buzurg -- a nobleman closely associated with the ministerial circles of the Court of Fath-'Ali Shah -- to one of the most ancient and renowned families of Mazindaran. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (God Passes By)

Jun 11, 2015

June 11 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

Consider how the Báb endured difficulties and tribulations; how He gave His life in the Cause of God; how He was attracted to the love of the Blessed Beauty, Bahá'u'lláh; and how He announced the glad tidings of His manifestation. We must follow His heavenly example; we must be self-sacrificing and aglow with the fire of the love of God. We must partake of the bounty and grace of the Lord, for the Báb has admonished us to arise in service to the Cause of God, to be absolutely severed from all else save God during the day of the Blessed Perfection, Bahá'u'lláh, to be completely attracted by the love of Bahá'u'lláh, to love all humanity for His sake, to be lenient and merciful to all for Him and to upbuild the oneness of the world of humanity. Therefore, this day, 23 May, is the anniversary of a blessed event. 
- Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk, ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace’)

Jun 10, 2015

June 10 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

We were consigned for four months to a place foul beyond comparison. As to the dungeon in which this Wronged One and others similarly wronged were confined, a dark and narrow pit were preferable. Upon Our arrival We were first conducted along a pitch-black corridor, from whence We descended three steep flights of stairs to the place of confinement assigned to Us. The dungeon was wrapped in thick darkness, and Our fellow prisoners numbered nearly a hundred and fifty souls: thieves, assassins and highwaymen. Though crowded, it had no other outlet than the passage by which We entered. No pen can depict that place, nor any tongue describe its loathsome smell. Most of these men had neither clothes nor bedding to lie on. God alone knoweth what befell Us in that most foul-smelling and gloomy place! 
- Baha’u’llah  (‘Epistle to the Son of the Wolf’)

Jun 9, 2015

June 9 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

…there occurred the attempt upon the life of His Majesty, may God, exalted and glorified be He, assist him. Those days were troublous days, and the fires of hatred burned high. Many were arrested, among them this Wronged One. By the righteousness of God! We were in no wise connected with that evil deed, and Our innocence was indisputably established by the tribunals. Nevertheless, they apprehended Us, and from Níyávarán, which was then the residence of His Majesty, conducted Us, on foot and in chains, with bared head and bare feet, to the dungeon of Tihrán. A brutal man, accompanying Us on horseback, snatched off Our hat, whilst We were being hurried along by a troop of executioners and officials. 
- Baha’u’llah  (‘Epistle to the Son of the Wolf’)

Jun 8, 2015

June 8 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

When… We went to Ámul, [December 1848] such was the turmoil which the people had raised that above four thousand persons had congregated in the masjid and had crowded onto the roofs of their houses. The leading mullá of the town denounced Us bitterly… We informed him that, although We had never met Him face to face, yet We cherished, none the less, a great affection for Him. We expressed Our profound conviction that He had, under no circumstances, acted contrary to the Faith of Islám.

The mullá and his followers, however refused to believe Us, and rejected Our testimony as a perversion of the truth. They eventually placed Us in confinement, and forbade Our friends to meet Us. The acting governor of Ámul succeeded in effecting Our release from captivity. Through an opening in the wall that he ordered his men to make, he enabled Us to leave that room, and conducted Us to his house. No sooner were the inhabitants informed of this act than they arose against Us, besieged the governor’s residence, pelted Us with stones, and hurled in Our face the foulest invectives. 
- Baha’u’llah  (Quoted in ‘The Dawn-Breakers’)

Jun 7, 2015

June 7 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

He [Baha’u’llah] was most generous, giving abundantly to the poor. None who came to Him were turned away. The doors of His house were open to all. He always had many guests. This unbounded generosity was conducive to greater astonishment from the fact that He sought neither position nor prominence. In commenting upon this His friends said He would become impoverished, for His expenses were many and His wealth becoming more and more limited. “Why is he not thinking of his own affairs?” they inquired of each other; but some who were wise declared, “This personage is connected with another world; he has something sublime within him that is not evident now; the day is coming when it will be manifested.” In truth, the Blessed Perfection was a refuge for every weak one, a shelter for every fearing one, kind to every indigent one, lenient and loving to all creatures. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, ‘The Promulgation of Universal Peace’)

Jun 6, 2015

June 6 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

When Bahá’u’lláh was twenty-two years old, His father died, and the Government wished Him to succeed to His father’s position in the Ministry, as was customary in Persia, but Bahá’u’lláh did not accept the offer. Then the Prime Minister said: “Leave him to himself. Such a position is unworthy of him. He has some higher aim in view. I cannot understand him, but I am convinced that he is destined for some lofty career. His thoughts are not like ours. Let him alone.” 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Quoted in ‘Baha'u'llah and the New Era’, by Dr. J.E. Esslemont)

Jun 5, 2015

June 5 - connecting our hearts to Baha’u’llah

From childhood He [Baha’u’llah] was extremely kind and generous. He was a great lover of outdoor life, most of His time being spent in the garden or the fields. He had an extraordinary power of attraction, which was felt by all. People always crowded around Him. Ministers and people of the Court would surround Him, and the children also were devoted to Him. When He was only thirteen of fourteen years old He became renowned for His learning. He would converse on any subject and solve any problem presented to Him. In large gatherings He would discuss matters with the Ulama (leading mullas) and would explain intricate religious questions. All of them used to listen to Him with the greatest interest. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Quoted in ‘Baha'u'llah and the New Era’, by Dr. J.E. Esslemont)

Jun 4, 2015

June 4 - cooperation & mutual support

…strive earnestly and put forth your greatest endeavor toward the accomplishment of this fellowship and the cementing of this bond of brotherhood between you. Such an attainment is not possible without will and effort on the part of each; from one, expressions of gratitude and appreciation; from the other kindliness and recognition of equality. Each one should endeavor to develop and assist the other toward mutual advancement. This is possible only by conjoining of effort and inclination. Love and unity will be fostered between you, thereby bringing about the oneness of mankind. For the accomplishment of unity between the colored and whites will be an assurance of the world's peace. Then racial prejudice, national prejudice, limited patriotism and religious bias will pass away and remain no longer. I am pleased to see you at this gathering, white and dark, and I praise God that I have had this opportunity of seeing you loving each other, for this is the means of the glory of humanity. This is the means of the good-pleasure of God and of eternal bliss in His Kingdom. Therefore I pray in your behalf that you may attain to the fullest of love and that the day may come when all differences between you may disappear. 
- ‘Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk, ‘Foundations of World Unity’)

Jun 3, 2015

June 3 - cooperation & mutual support

O people! Words must be supported by deeds, for deeds are the true test of words. Without the former, the latter can never quench the thirst of the yearning soul, nor unlock the portals of vision before the eyes of the blind. The Lord of celestial wisdom saith: A harsh word is even as a sword thrust; a gentle word as milk. The latter leadeth the children of men unto knowledge and conferreth upon them true distinction. 
- Baha’u’llah  (‘The Tabernacle of Unity, Bahá’u’lláh’s Responses to Mánikchí Sáhib and Other Writings’)

Jun 2, 2015

June 2 - cooperation & mutual support

Let your principal concern be to rescue the fallen from the slough of impending extinction, and to help him embrace the ancient Faith of God. Your behavior towards your neighbor should be such as to manifest clearly the signs of the one true God, for ye are the first among men to be re-created by His Spirit, the first to adore and bow the knee before Him, the first to circle round His throne of glory. 
- Baha'u'llah  (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah)

Jun 1, 2015

June 1 - cooperation & mutual support

The aim of the Baha'is is to reconcile viewpoints, to heal divisions, and to bring about tolerance and mutual respect among men, and this aim is undermined if we allow ourselves to be swept along by the ephemeral passions of others. This does not mean that Baha'is cannot collaborate with any non-Baha’i movement; it does mean that good judgment is required to distinguish those activities and associations which are beneficial and constructive from those which are divisive. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 12 January 2003 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)