- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘The Divine Art of Living’; The Compilation of
Compilations, vol. II, Music)
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Nov 30, 2019
The effects of music on one’s soul
...a musical and melodious voice imparteth life to an
attracted heart, but lureth toward lust those souls who are engulfed in passion
and desire.
Nov 29, 2019
The “direct presentation of the Teachings”
The direct presentation of the Teachings is surely highly
important and even indispensable nowadays. But it should be done with utmost
care and tact, and in a manner that would appeal to the non-believers.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a
letter dated 31 December 1935 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi; The
Compilation of Compilations, Vol. II, Writers and Writing)
Nov 28, 2019
‘Abdu’l-Baha: “I am the lamp and the love of God is my light”
I am the lamp and the love of God is my light. This light
hath become reflected in the mirrors of hearts. Therefore turn thou unto thy
heart, that is, when it is in the utmost freedom, and behold how the radiance
of my love is manifest in that mirror, and thou art near unto me. Recite the
Greatest Name at every morn, and turn thou unto the Kingdom of Abha, until thou
mayest apprehend my mysteries.
- ‘Abdu'l-Baha
(Tablets of ‘Abdu'l-Baha vol. 3)
Nov 27, 2019
Authorized Interpreters
The system of Bahá'í Administration is "indissolubly
bound with the essential verities of the Faith" as set forth in the
writings of Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá. A unique feature of this system is the
appointment of authorized interpreters, in the persons of Abdu'l-Bahá and the
Guardian, to provide authoritative statements on the intent of Bahá'u'lláh's
revelation. Writing in The Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh, Shoghi Effendi stated
that "Abdu'l-Bahá and the Guardian share ... the right and obligation to
interpret the Bahá'í Teachings". In relation to his own function as
interpreter, he further stated that "the Guardian has been specifically
endowed with such power as he may need to reveal the purport and disclose the implications
of the utterances of Bahá'u'lláh and of Abdu'l-Bahá". The significance of
this important provision is that the religion of God is safeguarded and
protected against schism and its essential unity is preserved.
- The Universal
House of Justice (From a message dated 31 May 1988; Teach Canada Supplement, Issue #6 December 1989)
Nov 26, 2019
Obedience to the Universal House of Justice
Let it not be imagined that the House of Justice will take
any decision according to its own concepts and opinions. God forbid! The
Supreme House of Justice will take decisions and establish laws through the
inspiration and confirmation of the Holy Spirit, because it is in the
safekeeping and under the shelter and protection of the Ancient Beauty, and
obedience to its decisions is a bounden and essential duty and an absolute
obligation, and there is no escape for anyone.
Say, O people: Verily the Supreme House of Justice is under
the wings of your Lord, the Compassionate, the All-Merciful, that is, under His
protection, His care, and His shelter; for He has commanded the firm believers
to obey that blessed, sanctified and all-subduing body, whose sovereignty is
divinely ordained and of the Kingdom of Heaven and whose laws are inspired and
- 'Abdu'l-Bahá (From a Tablet ["Rahíq-i-Makhtúm" vol. I,
pp. 302-4]; "Bahá'í News, September 1966; cited in "Wellspring of Guidance";
The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Establishment of the Universal House
of Justice)
Nov 25, 2019
The Word of God
The Word of God may be likened to the life-giving breezes of
the divine springtime. When chanted in
spiritual tones, it bestoweth the breath of life and granteth true
salvation. It bringeth forth a garden of
roses from the pure soil, and wafteth its musk-laden fragrance throughout the
- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (From a Tablet; compilation: ‘Prayer and Devotional Life,
Extracts from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’, prepared
by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, February 2019)
Nov 24, 2019
The effects of “unity and harmony” in Spiritual Assembly meetings
Bahá'u'lláh has given the promise that in every Assembly
where unity and harmony prevail, there His glorious spirit will not only be
present, but will animate, sustain and guide all the friends in all their
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to the Evanston
and Wilmette Spiritual Assemblies, November 17, 1933; ‘Directives from the
Guardian’; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)
Nov 23, 2019
“be enkindled by the fire of the love of God”
Comfort thy mother and endeavor to do what is conducive to
the happiness of her heart. Approach not those who are drowned in the sea of
this world, but rather be enkindled by the fire of the love of God. Be thou
such a flame whereby the hearts may be set aglow.
- ‘Abdu'l-Baha (Tablets of
Abdu'l-Baha, vol. 1)
Nov 22, 2019
One’s occupation and “service of the one true God”
Commerce, agriculture and industry should not, in truth, be
a bar to service of the one true God. Indeed, such occupations are most potent
instruments and clear proofs for the manifestation of the evidences of one's
piety, of one's trustworthiness and of the virtues of the All-Merciful Lord.
- 'Abdu'l-Bahá (The Compilation of Compilations, vol. III, Economics, Agriculture,
and Related Subjects)
Nov 21, 2019
Intellect and Wisdom: “the two most luminous lights in either world”
Praise and thanksgiving be unto Providence that out of all
the realities in existence He has chosen the reality of man and has honored it
with intellect and wisdom, the two most luminous lights in either world.
Through the agency of this great endowment, He has in every epoch cast on the
mirror of creation new and wonderful configurations. If we look objectively
upon the world of being, it will become apparent that from age to age, the
temple of existence has continually been embellished with a fresh grace, and
distinguished with an ever-varying splendor, deriving from wisdom and the power
of thought.
This supreme emblem of God stands first in the order of
creation and first in rank, taking precedence over all created things. Witness
to it is the Holy Tradition, “Before all else, God created the mind.” From the
dawn of creation, it was made to be revealed in the temple of man.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Secret of Divine Civilization’)
Nov 20, 2019
Marriage: “a union of the body and of the spirit”
Marriage, among the mass of the people, is a physical bond,
and this union can only be temporary, since it is foredoomed to a physical
separation at the close. Among the people of Bahá, however, marriage must be a
union of the body and of the spirit as well, for here both husband and wife are
aglow with the same wine, both are enamoured of the same matchless Face, both
live and move through the same spirit, both are illumined by the same glory.
This connection between them is a spiritual one, hence it is a bond that will
abide forever. Likewise do they enjoy strong and lasting ties in the physical
world as well, for if the marriage is based both on the spirit and the body,
that union is a true one, hence it will endure. If, however, the bond is
physical and nothing more, it is sure to be only temporary, and must inexorably
end in separation. When, therefore, the people of Bahá undertake to marry, the
union must be a true relationship, a spiritual coming together as well as a
physical one, so that throughout every phase of life, and in all the worlds of
God, their union will endure; for this real oneness is a gleaming out of the
love of God.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Selections
from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Bahá’; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. I,
Family Life)
Nov 19, 2019
Establishment of Baha’i Fund and its administration by Spiritual Assembly
And as the progress and extension of spiritual activities is
dependent and conditioned upon material means, it is of absolute necessity that
immediately after the establishment of local as well as national Spiritual
Assemblies, a Bahá'í Fund be established, to be placed under the exclusive
control of the Spiritual Assembly. All donations and contributions should be
offered to the Treasurer of the Assembly, for the express purpose of promoting
the interests of the Cause, throughout that locality or country. It is the
sacred obligation of every conscientious and faithful servant of Bahá'u'lláh,
who desires to see His Cause advance, to contribute freely and generously for
the increase of that Fund. The members of the Spiritual Assembly will at their
own discretion expend it to promote the Teaching Campaign, to help the needy,
to establish educational Bahá'í institutions, to extend in every way possible
their sphere of service.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated 12 March 1923 to
the Bahá'ís of the West, published in ‘Bahá'í Administration: Selected Messages
1922-1932’; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. I, Baha’i Funds and
Nov 18, 2019
"One of the potentialities hidden in the realm of humanity”
The outer sun is a sign or symbol of the inner and ideal Sun
of Truth, the Word of God. Inasmuch as this is the century of light, it is
evident that the Sun of Reality, the Word, has revealed itself to all
humankind. One of the potentialities hidden in the realm of humanity was the
capability or capacity of womanhood. Through the effulgent rays of divine
illumination the capacity of woman has become so awakened and manifest in this
age that equality of man and woman is an established fact. In past ages woman
was wronged and oppressed. This was especially the case in Asia and Africa. In
certain parts of Asia women were not considered as members of humankind. They
were looked upon as inferior, unworthy creatures, subordinate and subject to
man. A certain people known as the Nusayris held to the belief for a long
period that woman was the incarnation of the evil spirit, or Satan, and that
man alone was the manifestation of God, the Merciful. At last this century of
light dawned, the realities shone forth, and the mysteries long hidden from
human vision were revealed. Among these revealed realities was the great
principle of the equality of man and woman, which is now finding recognition
throughout the whole world—America, Europe and the Orient.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘The
Promulgation of Universal Peace: Talks Delivered by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during His
Visit to the United States and Canada in 1912’)
Nov 17, 2019
Prayer: “a communion between man and God”
Prayer is essentially a communion between man and God, and
as such transcends all ritualistic forms and formulae.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated 15
June 1935 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual
Assembly of the United States; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. III,
Service in Baha’i Temples)
Nov 16, 2019
Commotions associated with “the Day of the Manifestation of the Most Great Name”
O ye friends of 'Abdu’l-Baha! The tumult of the nations and
the clamour of their peoples are certain and inevitable in the Day of the
Manifestation of the Most Great Name. The wisdom of this irrevocable decree is
clear and evident. For when the winds of tests blow, the frail trees are
uprooted while the blessed trees are made firm and immovable. Torrents of rain
distress and scatter the creeping things that walk upon the earth while the
gardens are filled with anemones and bring forth roses and sweet herbs, and the
nightingales warble their melodies, chanting a myriad songs at every moment.
This is a bounty unto the righteous and a calamity unto those who are weak.
Render thanks unto God that your feet are firm and your faces, like pure gold,
are aglow in the lire of tests. I beseech the one true God that day by day ye
may increase in firmness and steadfastness.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a Tablet;
compilation: ‘Give Me Thy Grace to Serve Thy Loved Ones’, prepared by the
International Teaching Centre for the Continental Counsellors and their
Auxiliaries, May 2018)
Nov 15, 2019
The secret to maintaining one’s spiritual progress
I ask the Blessed Beauty to assist you and confirm you.
Wherever I go, you will be in my thoughts. I shall not forget any one of you. I
beg of God that you may become more enlightened, more severed, more spiritual,
more aflame and that you may be humble and submissive, for as long as man does
not consider himself to be good but regards himself as weak and deficient, he
progresses; but the moment he considers himself good and says, `I am perfect',
he falls into pride and retrogresses.
- 'Abdu'l-Baha (Words of ‘Abdu’l-Baha when leaving
Chicago, September 17, 1912, ‘Mahmud’s Diary)
Nov 14, 2019
Indications of Baha’i “rectitude of conduct”
Such a rectitude of conduct must manifest itself, with ever-increasing potency,
- in every verdict which the elected representatives of the Bahá'í community, in whatever capacity they may find themselves, may be called upon to pronounce.
- It must be constantly reflected in the business dealings of all its members,
- in their domestic lives,
- in all manner of employment, and
- in any service they may, in the future, render their government or people.
- It must be exemplified in the conduct of all Bahá'í electors, when exercising their sacred rights and functions.
- It must characterize the attitude of every loyal believer towards
- nonacceptance of political posts,
- nonidentification with political parties,
- nonparticipation in political controversies, and
- nonmembership in political organizations and ecclesiastical institutions.
- It must reveal itself in the uncompromising adherence of all, whether young or old,
- to the clearly enunciated and fundamental principles laid down by `Abdu'l-Bahá in His addresses, and
- to the laws and ordinances revealed by Bahá'u'lláh in His Most Holy Book.
Nov 13, 2019
“intellect and wisdom”: “the two most luminous lights in either world”
Praise and thanksgiving be unto Providence that out of all
the realities in existence He has chosen the reality of man and has honored it
with intellect and wisdom, the two most luminous lights in either world.
Through the agency of this great endowment, He has in every epoch cast on the
mirror of creation new and wonderful configurations. If we look objectively
upon the world of being, it will become apparent that from age to age, the
temple of existence has continually been embellished with a fresh grace, and
distinguished with an ever-varying splendor, deriving from wisdom and the power
of thought.
This supreme emblem of God stands first in the order of
creation and first in rank, taking precedence over all created things. Witness
to it is the Holy Tradition, “Before all else, God created the mind.” From the
dawn of creation, it was made to be revealed in the temple of man.
Sanctified is the Lord, Who with the dazzling rays of this
strange, heavenly power has made our world of darkness the envy of the worlds
of light: “And the earth shall shine with the light of her Lord.” [Qur’án
39:69] Holy and exalted is He, Who has caused the nature of man to be the
dayspring of this boundless grace: “The God of mercy hath taught the Qur’án,
hath created man, hath taught him articulate speech.” [Qur’án 55:1–3]
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Secret of the Divine Civilization’)
Nov 12, 2019
“The primary purpose” of Summer School
You can arrange to hold a Summer School in any suitable
place where the friends can find accommodation, and a hall can be rented for
its sessions. This is what they have done in England for many years to great
advantage. It is a simple and economical way of holding the School. The primary
purpose of the School is to deepen the knowledge of the friends in the
Teachings, to enable them to consort, as Bahá’ís, with each other, and to
confirm any contacts who may have attended. The School may be held during the
winter season or any other time of the year.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated 30 June 1957
written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to National Spiritual Assembly of the
Bahá’ís of Alaska; ’High Endeavours – Messages to Alaska)
Nov 11, 2019
The “beating of a healthy heart in the midst of the Community”
The friends should be helped to overcome their problems,
deepen in the Faith, and increase their unity and their love for each other. In
this way you will find that your work goes ahead speedily, and that the
National Body is like the beating of a healthy heart in the midst of the
Community, pumping spiritual love, energy and encouragement out to all the
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated 30 June 1957 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi
to National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Alaska; ’High Endeavours –
Messages to Alaska)
Nov 10, 2019
The “inner life of the spirit”
If people only realized it, the inner life of the spirit is
that which counts, but they are so blinded by desires and so misled that they
have brought upon themselves all the suffering we see at present in the world.
The Baha'is seek to lead people back to a knowledge of their true selves and
the purpose for which they were created, and thus to their greatest happiness
and highest good.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an
individual believer, July 24, 1943; compilation: Lights of Guidance)
Nov 9, 2019
The “Blessed Báb”
Nov 8, 2019
One’s heart shouldn’t be “chained and tied to this world”
Another friend asked, "In the Tablets it is stated that
we must be severed and detached. In another place it is stated that we must
learn a trade or profession. Do not these two statements contradict each
‘Abdu'l-Bahá replied, "In the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh, it
is incumbent upon every soul to acquire a trade and an occupation. For example,
I know how to weave or make a mat, and you know some other trade. This, in
itself is an act of worship, provided that it is conducted on the basis of
utmost honesty and faithfulness.
“And this is the cause of prosperity. Yet, in spite of being
so occupied, if the heart is not chained and tied to this world, and is not
troubled by current events, neither hindered by wealth from rendering service
to mankind, nor grieved because of poverty, - then this is human perfection.
Otherwise in a state of poverty, to manifest generosity and in a state of
weakness to claim justice - this can easily be said, but it is not a proof of
man's attainments and alertness."
- 'Abdu'l-Bahá (From an article written by
Dr. Z. Baghdadi entitled "`Abdu'l-Bahá in America", published in
"Star of the West", Vol. 19, No. 7, p. 219; The Compilation of
Compilations, Vol. I, The Arts and Crafts)
Nov 7, 2019
The “first to build the Tabernacle of the Great Peace, and proclaim the oneness of mankind”
The American people are indeed worthy of being the first to
build the Tabernacle of the Great Peace, and proclaim the oneness of
mankind.... For America hath developed powers and capacities greater and more wonderful
than other nations.... The American nation is equipped and empowered to
accomplish that which will adorn the pages of history, to become the envy of
the world, and be blest in both the East and the West for the triumph of its
people. ...The American continent gives signs and evidences of very great
advancement. Its future is even more promising, for its influence and
illumination are far-reaching. It will lead all nations spiritually.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (Quoted by Shoghi Effendi in ‘The Advent of Divine Justice’)
Nov 6, 2019
A “Bahá'í house”
This is in truth a Bahá'í house. Every time such a house or
meeting place is founded it becomes one of the greatest aids to the general
development of the town and country to which it belongs. It encourages the
growth of learning and science and is known for its intense spirituality and
for the love it spreads among the peoples.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a talk; ‘Paris
Talks: Addresses given by `Abdu'l-Bahá in Paris in 1911-1912’; The Compilation
of Compilations, Vol. I, Family Life)
Nov 5, 2019
The "profound influence" of “the spiritual and social environment” of the community and family “on shaping the thought and character of young people”
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 4 November
2019 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual
Nov 4, 2019
“interpretations of the Guardian and the elucidations of the House of Justice”
There is a profound difference between the interpretations
of the Guardian and the elucidations of the House of Justice in exercise of its
function to "deliberate upon all problems which have caused difference,
questions that are obscure and matters that are not expressly recorded in the
Book." The Guardian reveals what the Scripture means; his interpretation
is a statement of truth which cannot be varied. Upon the Universal House of
Justice, in the words of the Guardian, "has been conferred the exclusive
right of legislating on matters not expressly revealed in the Bahá'í
writings." Its pronouncements, which are susceptible of amendment or
abrogation by the House of Justice itself, serve to supplement and apply the
Law of God. Although not invested with the function of interpretation, the
House of Justice is in a position to do everything necessary to establish the
World Order of Bahá'u'lláh on this earth. Unity of doctrine is maintained by
the existence of the authentic texts of Scripture and the voluminous
interpretations of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi together with the absolute
prohibition against anyone propounding "authoritative" or
"inspired" interpretations or usurping the function of Guardian.
Unity of administration is assured by the authority of the Universal House of
- The Universal House of Justice
(From a message dated 9 March 1965; Messages from the Universal House of
Justice 1963-1986’)
Nov 3, 2019
“we should be elastic in details and rigid in principles”
You may not perhaps know that in connection with all
National Assemblies the Guardian is advising that rules and regulations should
not be multiplied and new statements on "procedure" issued; we should
be elastic in details and rigid in principles; consequently he does not want
your Assembly to issue statements of a binding nature unless absolutely
necessary. In this connection he will answer your questions about sanctions: …
it is only those who have been spiritually excommunicated by the Guardian with
whom the believers are forbidden to associate, and not a person who is being
punished by being deprived of his voting rights. As contributions to Bahá'í
Funds are used to support the administration of the Faith, they should not be
accepted from those who are deprived of their voting rights; but such believers
should not be prevented from being buried in a Bahá'í Cemetery or receiving
charity — which we even give to non-Bahá'ís."
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter written on
behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 8 May 1947 to the National Spiritual Assembly of
India, Pakistan, and Burma, published in "Dawn of a New Day"; The
Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Baha’i Funds and Contributions)
Nov 2, 2019
The “evil forces in men's nature”
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated 15 June 1945, written on behalf of
Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol.
II, Youth)
Nov 1, 2019
“times of testing and trial, for the whole world and for the believers, too”
He feels that in your contact with the believers and in
teaching new souls, you should help them obtain a full knowledge and
understanding of the Covenant and the Will and Testament. This will strengthen
them to meet every test, and to understand the nature of the spiritual disease
which afflicts those who turn against the Institutions of the Faith. These are,
indeed, times of testing and trial, for the whole world and for the believers,
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated 15 August 1945 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to
an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, The Importance
of Deepening Our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith)
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