Posted every second day…

Nov 29, 2020

The effects of “admonition and explanation, good counsel and education” on the “essence” of a human being

Man is even as steel, the essence of which is hidden: through admonition and explanation, good counsel and education, that essence will be brought to light. If, however, he be allowed to remain in his original condition, the corrosion of lusts and appetites will effectively destroy him. 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘The Compilation of Compilations’, vol. I, Baha’i Education)

Nov 27, 2020

“Be not troubled by anything under any condition”

O friends of God: Make firm your feet in the Cause of God with such firmness as cannot be shaken by the most great disasters of this world. Be not troubled by anything under any condition. Be as lofty mountains, dawning stars from the horizon of existence, brilliant lamps in the assemblies of oneness and lowly souls, pure hearted, with the friends.

Be signs of guidance; lights of piety; severed from the world, holding fast to the firm rope; spreaders of the spirit of life; abiders in the ark of safety; manifestations of mercy; dawning-stars of the mysteries of existence; points of revelation; day-springs of light; strengthened by the Holy Spirit; attracted toward God; sanctified from all things and from the (natural) qualities of people, and characterized with the attributes of the angels of heaven—so ye may attain to the greatest gift in this great century and new age.

By the life of Abha! No one will obtain this great favor save he who cuts himself from this world, being attracted by the love of God, who is dead to the desires and appetites of self, sincere to God in all things and meek, humble, imploring, pleading and lowly before God. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, vol. II’)

Nov 25, 2020

The “Greater” and “Lesser” Covenants

A Covenant in the religious sense is a binding agreement between God and man, whereby God requires of man certain behaviour in return for which He guarantees certain blessings, or whereby He gives man certain bounties in return for which He takes from those who accept them an undertaking to behave in a certain way. There is, for example, the Greater Covenant which every Manifestation of God makes with His followers, promising that in the fulness of time a new Manifestation will be sent, and taking from them the undertaking to accept Him when this occurs. There is also the Lesser Covenant that a Manifestation of God makes with His followers that they will accept His appointed successor after Him. If they do so, the Faith can remain united and pure. If not, the Faith becomes divided and its force spent. It is a Covenant of this kind that Bahá'u'lláh made with His followers regarding 'Abdu'l-Bahá and that 'Abdu'l-Bahá perpetuated through the Administrative Order... 

- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 23 March 1975, to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, The Covenant)

Nov 23, 2020

“the magnet which attracts the blessings from on high”

Today, as never before, the magnet which attracts the blessings from on high is teaching the Faith of God. The Hosts of Heaven are poised between heaven and earth, just waiting, and patiently, for the Bahá'í to step forth, with pure devotion and consecration, to teach the Cause of God, so they may rush to his aid and assistance. It is the Guardian's prayer that the Friends may treble their efforts, as the time is short -- alas, the workers too few. Let those who wish to achieve immortality step forth and raise the Divine Call. They will be astonished at the spiritual victories they will gain. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 28 March 1953 written to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi; The Comilation of Compilations, vol. II, The Power of Divine Assistance)

Nov 21, 2020

“The pure heart”

When asked for a definition of a pure heart, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said,

“The pure heart is one that is entirely cut away from self. To be selfless is to be pure.” 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Notes of conversations; ‘Abdu’l-Baha in London’)

Nov 19, 2020

“Remembrance of God is like the rain and dew…”

Remembrance of God is like the rain and dew which bestow freshness and grace on flowers and hyacinths, revive them and cause them to acquire fragrance, redolence and renewed charm. "And thou hast seen the earth dried up and barren: but when We send down the rain upon it, it stirreth and swelleth, and groweth every kind of luxuriant herb." [Qur'án 107:5] Strive thou, then, to praise and glorify God by night and by day, that thou mayest attain infinite freshness and beauty. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. II, The Importance of Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude)

Nov 17, 2020

Material vs. Divine Civilization

As to the difference between the natural (i.e., physical or material) civilization which is in the present day in force, and the Divine civilization which shall be of the results of The House of Justice: The material civilization prevents and safeguards people from committing evil deeds, through the force of the laws of retaliation and correction. … But the Divine civilization will so train mankind that no soul will commit crimes, except rare (or few) individuals, which exception is of no importance whatsoever. Consequently, there is much difference between preventing people from evil actions and crimes through correction and retaliation or through violent punishment, and so training them, enlightening them and spiritualizing them that they will shun crimes and evil deeds without any fear (however) of punishment, prevention or retaliation. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Star of the West, vol. II, no. 3, April 28, 1911)

Nov 15, 2020

Education of children

Teach ye your children so that they may peruse the divine verses every morn and eve. God hath prescribed unto every father to educate his children, both boys and girls, in the sciences and in morals, and in crafts and professions.... 

- Baha’u’llah  (The Compilation of Compilations, vol. 1, Extracts from the Writings concerning arts and crafts)

Nov 13, 2020

God: - “the Educator”

Consider... the revelation of the light of the Name of God, the Educator. Behold, how in all things the evidences of such a revelation are manifest, how the betterment of all beings dependeth upon it. This education is of two kinds. The one is universal. Its influence pervadeth all things and sustaineth them. It is for this reason that God hath assumed the title, "Lord of all worlds". The other is confined to them that have come under the shadow of this Name, and sought the shelter of this most mighty Revelation. They, however, that have failed to seek this shelter, have deprived themselves of this privilege, and are powerless to benefit from the spiritual sustenance that hath been sent down through the heavenly grace of this Most Great Name. How great the gulf fixed between the one and the other!... 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh’; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Baha’i Education)

Nov 11, 2020

“Souls must be transformed…”

It is not enough to proclaim the Bahá'í message, essential as that is. It is not enough to expand the rolls of Bahá'í membership, vital as that is. Souls must be transformed, communities thereby consolidated, new models of life thus attained. Transformation is the essential purpose of the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh, but it lies in the will and effort of the individual to achieve it in obedience to the Covenant. 

- The Universal House of Justice  (1989 Ridvan message; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. III, Promoting Entry by Troops)

Nov 9, 2020

The “fruits” of “the trees of Paradise” that God has “apportioned to them that turn unto” Baha’u’llah “with radiant hearts”

This is the Day whereon the Sun of Beauty dawned above the horizon of the countenance of God, the Most Exalted, the Most Great, and the clouds of bounty rained down, and the trees of Paradise yielded such fruits as God hath apportioned to them that turn unto Him with radiant hearts in this Dispensation. Blessed, then, be God, Who hath ordained this surpassing grace! 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Days of remembrance’)

Nov 7, 2020

Examples of attributes of God reflected in nature

… whatever I behold I readily discover that it maketh Thee known unto me, and it remindeth me of Thy signs, and of Thy tokens, and of Thy testimonies. By Thy glory! Every time I lift up mine eyes unto Thy heaven, I call to mind Thy highness and Thy loftiness, and Thine incomparable glory and greatness; and every time I turn my gaze to Thine earth, I am made to recognize the evidences of Thy power and the tokens of Thy bounty. And when I behold the sea, I find that it speaketh to me of Thy majesty, and of the potency of Thy might, and of Thy sovereignty and Thy grandeur. And at whatever time I contemplate the mountains, I am led to discover the ensigns of Thy victory and the standards of Thine omnipotence. 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Prayers and Meditations by Baha’u’llah’; The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, Conservation of Earth’s Resources)

Nov 5, 2020

The “outstanding characteristics of a decadent society”

The recrudescence of religious intolerance, of racial animosity, and of patriotic arrogance; the increasing evidences of selfishness, of suspicion, of fear and of fraud; the spread of terrorism, of lawlessness, of drunkenness and of crime; the unquenchable thirst for, and the feverish pursuit after, earthly vanities, riches and pleasures; the weakening of family solidarity; the laxity in parental control; the lapse into luxurious indulgence; the irresponsible attitude towards marriage and the consequent rising tide of divorce; the degeneracy of art and music, the infection of literature, and the corruption of the press; the extension of the influence and activities of those "prophets of decadence" who advocate companionate marriage, who preach the philosophy of nudism, who call modesty an intellectual fiction, who refuse to regard the procreation of children as the sacred and primary purpose of marriage, who denounce religion as an opiate of the people, who would, if given free rein, lead back the human race to barbarism, chaos, and ultimate extinction — these appear as the outstanding characteristics of a decadent society, a society that must either be reborn or perish. 

- Shoghi Effendi  ("The World Order of Bahá'u'lláh: Selected Letters"; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Divorce)

Nov 3, 2020

“consultation is… the bestower of understanding”

The Great Being saith: The heaven of divine wisdom is illumined with the two luminaries of consultation and compassion. Take ye counsel together in all matters, inasmuch as consultation is the lamp of guidance which leadeth the way, and is the bestower of understanding. 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh Revealed after the Kitáb-i-Aqdas’; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Consultation)

Nov 1, 2020

The “highest means for the maintenance of order in the world and the security of its peoples”

They whom God hath endued with insight will readily recognize that the precepts laid down by God constitute the highest means for the maintenance of order in the world and the security of its peoples.... 

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh’; The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, A Chase and Holy Life)