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Jul 29, 2014

memorizing & quoting the Writings

…you should make the children familiar with the prophecies in the Gospels and with the Name of God, and with this Revelation: that is to say, instruct them how to become teachers, so that the love of God may be established in their hearts while they are young children. They should develop spiritual feelings. You should explain to them or read to them the Ishraqat, Tarazat, Tajalliyyat, the Words of Paradise, and the Tablet of the World. You should make them memorize some of these verses. By these means they will become enlightened and well educated, for they are like unto a young tree: you can train them in whatever manner you like.   
(‘Abdu’l-Baha’s conversation with P. A. H. and H. in February 1909; Star of the West vol. 9, no. 8, August 1, 1918)