Posted every second day…

Apr 30, 2015

April 30 – Love of God

...If between the friends true love -- based on the love of God -- could become manifest, the Cause would spread very rapidly. Love is the standard which must govern the conduct of one believer towards another. The administrative order does not change this, but unfortunately sometimes the friends confuse the two, and try to be a whole spiritual assembly, -- with the discipline and justice and impartiality that body must show, - - to each other, instead of being forgiving, loving and patient to each other as individuals. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, March 18, 1950; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)

Apr 29, 2015

April 29 – Love of God

During thy supplications to God and thy reciting, “Thy Name is my healing," consider how thine heart is cheered, thy soul delighted by the spirit of the love of God, and thy mind attracted to the Kingdom of God! By these attractions one's ability and capacity increase. When the vessel is enlarged the water increases, and when the thirst grows the bounty of the cloud becomes agreeable to the taste of man. This is the mystery of supplication and the wisdom of stating one's wants. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (quoted by J.E. Esslemont in ‘Bahá'u'lláh and the New Era’; The Compilation of Compilations, Vol. II, The Importance of Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude)

Apr 28, 2015

April 28 – Love of God

O Friends! You must all be so ablaze in this day with the fire of the love of God that the heat thereof may be manifest in all your veins, your limbs and members of your body, and the peoples of the world may be ignited by this heat and turn to the horizon of the Beloved. 
- Bahá’u’lláh  (compilation ‘The Individual and Teaching – Raising the Divine Call’, prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice)

Apr 27, 2015

April 27 – Baha’i elections

The institutions of the present-day Bahá'í Administrative Order, which constitute the "structural basis" of Bahá'u'lláh's World Order, will mature and evolve into the Bahá'í World Commonwealth. In this regard, Shoghi Effendi affirms that the Administrative Order "will, as its component parts, its organic institutions, begin to function with efficiency and vigour, assert its claim and demonstrate its capacity to be regarded not only as the nucleus but the very pattern of the New World Order destined to embrace in the fullness of time the whole of mankind". 
- The Universal House of Justice  (the “Notes” section of the Kitab-i-Aqdas’)

Apr 26, 2015

April 26 – Baha’i elections

Election to an Assembly, from a Bahá'í point of view, is not a right that people are entitled to, or an honour to which they should aspire; it is a duty and responsibility to which they may be called. The purpose is that those who are elected to an Assembly should be the most worthy for this service; this does not and cannot mean that all those who are worthy will be elected. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a Memorandum dated 16 November 1988 written by the Universal House of Justice to the International Teaching Centre; ‘The Compilation of Compilation, Vol. III, Sanctity and Nature of Baha’i Elections’)

Apr 25, 2015

April 25 – Baha’i elections

.... concerning the qualifications of the members of the Spiritual Assembly: there is a distinction of fundamental importance which should be always remembered in this connection, and this is between the Spiritual Assembly as an institution, and the persons who compose it. These are by no means supposed to be perfect, nor can they be considered as being inherently superior to the rest of their fellow-believers. It is precisely because they are subject to the same human limitations that characterize the other members of the community that they have to be elected every year. The existence of elections is a sufficient indication that Assembly members, though forming part of an institution that is divine and perfect, are nevertheless themselves imperfect. But this does not necessarily imply that their judgement is defective ... 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 15 November 1935 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to individual believers, published in "The Local Spiritual Assembly", compiled by the Universal House of Justice; The Compilation of Compilation, Vol. III, Sanctity and Nature of Baha’i Elections)

Apr 24, 2015

April 24 – Baha’i elections

Let us recall His explicit and often-repeated assurances that every Assembly elected in that rarefied atmosphere of selflessness and detachment is in truth appointed of God, that its verdict is truly inspired, that one and all should submit to its decision unreservedly and with cheerfulness. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (from a letter dated 23 February 1924 to the Bahá'ís of America, published in ‘Bahá'í Administration’; The Compilation of Compilation, Vol. III, Sanctity and Nature of Baha’i Elections)

Apr 23, 2015

April 23 – Baha’i elections

…election to institutions of Bahá’í administration is regarded as a summons to service and not as an accession to power. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 18 July 2000 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer)

Apr 22, 2015

April 22 – Baha’i elections

The friends are called upon to give their wholehearted support and co-operation to the Local Spiritual Assembly, first by voting for the membership and then by energetically pursuing its plans and programmes, by turning to it in time of trouble or difficulty, by praying for its success and taking delight in its rise to influence and honour. This great prize, this gift of God within each community must be cherished, nurtured, loved, assisted, obeyed and prayed for. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (from a message to the Baha’is of the world, Naw-Ruz, 1974; ‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986)

Apr 21, 2015

April 21 – Baha’i elections

This Administrative Order is the nucleus and pattern of the World Order adumbrated by Bahá'u'lláh. In the course of its divinely propelled organic growth its institutions will expand, putting forth auxiliary branches and developing subordinate agencies, multiplying their activities and diversifying their functions, in consonance with the principles and purposes revealed by Bahá'u'lláh for the progress of the human race. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (‘The Constitution of The Universal House of Justice’)

Apr 20, 2015

April 20 – Baha’i elections

As you know very well, the method of Bahá'í elections is at complete variance with the methods and practices of elections in political systems. The beloved Guardian has pointed out to us that should we follow the method of the politicians in our Bahá'í elections, misunderstandings and differences will arise, chaos and confusion will ensue, mischief will abound and the confirmations of God will be cut off from that Bahá'í community. In view of these grave warnings, the utmost care must always be exercised so that the purity and spiritual character of Bahá'í elections are maintained and preserved. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 6 December 1971 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilation, Vol. III, Sanctity and Nature of Baha’i Elections)

Apr 19, 2015

April 19 – Baha’i elections

... the Bahá'ís, particularly prominent Bahá'ís, should avoid doing anything which might create a wrong impression and give rise to accusations by uninformed Bahá'ís of electioneering. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter dated 15 April 1986 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to a National Spiritual Assembly; The Compilation of Compilation, Vol. III, Sanctity and Nature of Baha’i Elections)

Apr 18, 2015

April 18 – Baha’i elections

I fully approve and whole-heartedly and unreservedly uphold the principle to which you refer that personalities should not be made centres around which the community may revolve, but that they should be subordinated under all conditions and however great their merits to the properly constituted Assemblies. You and your co-workers can never overestimate or overemphasize this cardinal principle of Bahá'í Administration. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 11 April 1933 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada, published in ‘Principles of Bahá'í Administration: A Compilation’; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, The Local Spiritual Assembly) 

Apr 17, 2015

April 17 – Baha’i elections

In order to avoid division and disruption, that the Cause may not fall a prey to conflicting interpretations, and lose thereby its purity and pristine vigour, that its affairs may be conducted with efficiency and promptness, it is necessary that everyone should conscientiously take an active part in the election of these Assemblies, abide by their decision, enforce their decree, and co-operate with them whole-heartedly in their task of stimulating the growth of the Movement throughout all regions.... 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 12 march 1923 to the Bahá'ís of America, Australasia, France, Germany, British Isles, Italy, Japan and Switzerland, published in ‘Bahá'í Administration: Selected Messages 1922-1932’; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, The Local Spiritual Assembly)

Apr 16, 2015

April 16 – Baha’i elections

The Universal House of Justice is the supreme institution of an Administrative Order whose salient features, whose authority and whose principles of operation are clearly enunciated in the Sacred Writings of the Bahá'í Faith and their authorized interpretations. This Administrative Order consists, on the one hand, of a series of elected councils, universal, secondary and local, in which are vested legislative, executive and judicial powers over the Bahá'í community and, on the other, of eminent and devoted believers appointed for the specific purposes of protecting and propagating the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh under the guidance of the Head of that Faith. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (‘The Constitution of the Universal House of Justice’)

Apr 15, 2015

April 15 – Baha’i elections

The electors ... must prayerfully and devotedly and after meditation and reflection elect faithful, sincere, experienced, capable and competent souls who are worthy of membership ... 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 1 July 1943 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Persia - translated from the Persian; The Compilation of Compilation, Vol. III, Sanctity and Nature of Baha’i Elections)

Apr 14, 2015

April 14 – Baha’i elections

... I do not feel it to be in keeping with the spirit of the Cause to impose any limitation upon the freedom of the believers to choose those of any race, nationality or temperament who best combine the essential qualifications for membership of administrative institutions. They should disregard personalities and concentrate their attention on the qualities and requirements of office, without prejudice, passion or partiality. The Assembly should be representative of the choicest and most varied and capable elements in every Bahá'í community ...  
- Shoghi Effendi  (In the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi, appended to a letter dated 11 August 1933 written on his behalf to an individual believer, published in 'Bahá'í Institutions'; The Compilation of Compilation, Vol. III, Sanctity and Nature of Baha’i Elections)

Apr 13, 2015

April 13 – Baha’i elections

The friends should strive to appreciate, therefore, the Guardian urged, that the Spiritual Assemblies they were painstakingly establishing throughout the world were the forerunners of the local and national "Houses of Justice" envisioned by Bahá'u'lláh. As such, they were integral parts of an Administrative Order that will, in time, "assert its claim and demonstrate its capacity to be regarded not only as the nucleus but the very pattern of the New World Order destined to embrace in the fullness of time the whole of mankind". 
(‘Century of Light’, a document commissioned by and prepared under the supervision of the Universal House of Justice)

Apr 12, 2015

April 12 – Baha’i elections

These local Spiritual Assemblies will have to be elected directly by the friends, and every declared believer of 21 years and above, far from standing aloof and assuming an indifferent or independent attitude, should regard it his sacred duty to take part conscientiously and diligently, in the election, the consolidation and the efficient working of his own local Assembly. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a message dated March 12, 1923; ‘Baha’i Administration’)

Apr 11, 2015

April 11 – Baha’i elections

... the elector ... is called upon to vote for none but those whom prayer and reflection have inspired him to uphold ...
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 27 May 1927 to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada, published in ‘Bahá'í Administration’)

Apr 10, 2015

April 10 – Baha’i elections

In the Persian Bayan, the Báb stated: "Well is it with him who fixeth his gaze upon the Order of Bahá'u'lláh, and rendereth thanks unto his Lord. For He will assuredly be made manifest. God hath indeed irrevocably ordained it in the Bayan." Shoghi Effendi identifies this "Order" with the System Bahá'u'lláh envisages in the Aqdas, in which He testifies to its revolutionizing effect on the life of humanity and reveals the laws and principles which govern its operation. The features of the "new World Order" are delineated in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá and in the letters of Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (The “Notes” section of the Kitab-i-Aqdas’)

Apr 9, 2015

April 9 – Baha’i elections

Well is it with him who fixeth his gaze upon the Order of Bahá'u'lláh, and rendereth thanks unto his Lord. 
- The Báb  (Quoted by Shoghi Effendi in ‘God Passes By’)

Apr 8, 2015

April 8 - Divine Assistance

"...He, verily, will aid everyone that aideth Him, and will remember everyone that remembereth Him. To this beareth witness this Tablet that hath shed the splendor of the loving-kindness of your Lord, the All-Glorious, the All-Compelling." 
(Baha’u’llah, quoted by Shoghi Effendi in ‘The Advent of Divine Justice’)

Apr 7, 2015

April 7- Divine Assistance

Naturally there will be periods of distress and difficulty, and even severe tests; but if that person turns firmly toward the divine Manifestation, studies carefully His spiritual teachings and receives the blessings of the Holy Spirit, he will find that in reality these tests and difficulties have been the gifts of God to enable him to grow and develop. Thus you might look upon your own difficulties in the path of service. They are the means of your spirit growing and developing. You will suddenly find that you have conquered many of the problems which upset you, and then you will wonder why they should have troubled you at all. An individual must center his whole heart and mind on service to the Cause, in accordance with the high standards set by Bahá'u'lláh. When this is done, the Hosts of the Supreme Concourse will come to the assistance of the individual, and every difficulty and trial will gradually be overcome. 
(From a letter dated 6 October 1954 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer; ‘The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, Living the Life’)

Apr 6, 2015

April 6 - Divine Assistance

It is clear that in this day, confirmations from the unseen world are encompassing all those who deliver the divine Message. Should the work of teaching lapse, these confirmations would be entirely cut off, since it is impossible for the loved ones of God to receive assistance unless they teach. 
(‘Abdu’l-Baha, ‘Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá’)

Apr 5, 2015

April 5 - Divine Assistance

Say, verily any one follower of this Faith can, by the leave of God, prevail over all who dwell in heaven and earth and in whatever lieth between them; for indeed this is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the one true Faith. Therefore fear ye not, neither be ye grieved. 
(The Báb, ‘Selections from the Writings of the Bab’)

Apr 4, 2015

Divine Assistance

They that have forsaken their country for the purpose of teaching Our Cause--these shall the Faithful Spirit strengthen through its power. A company of Our chosen angels shall go forth with them, as bidden by Him Who is the Almighty, the All-Wise. How great the blessedness that awaiteth him that hath attained the honor of serving the Almighty! 
(Baha’u’llah, ‘Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh’)

Apr 3, 2015

Divine Assistance

... An individual must center his whole heart and mind on service to the Cause, in accordance with the high standards set by Baha'u'lhih. When this is done, the hosts of the Supreme Concourse will come to the assistance of the individual, and every difficulty and trial will gradually be overcome. 
(From a letter written on behalf of tile Guardian to an individual believer, October 6, 1954; compilation: Lights of Guidance)

Apr 2, 2015

Divine Assistance

Rest ye assured that if a soul ariseth in the utmost perseverance and raiseth the Call of the Kingdom and resolutely promulgateth the Covenant, be he an insignificant ant he shall be enabled to drive away the formidable elephant from the arena, and if he be a feeble moth he shall cut to pieces the plumage of the rapacious vulture. 
(‘Abdu’l-Baha, ‘Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá’)

Apr 1, 2015

Divine Assistance

Hallowed be the Lord in Whose hand is the source of dominion. He createth whatsoever He willeth by His Word of command `Be', and it is. His hath been the power of authority heretofore and it shall remain His hereafter. He maketh victorious whomsoever He pleaseth, through the potency of His behest. He is in truth the Powerful, the Almighty. Unto Him pertaineth all glory and majesty in the kingdoms of Revelation and Creation and whatever lieth between them. 
(The Báb, ‘Selections from the Writings of the Bab’)