But before the majority of the Assembly comes to a decision,
it is not only the right but the sacred obligation of every member to express
freely and openly his views, without being afraid of displeasing or alienating
any of his fellow-members. In view of this important administrative principle
of frank and open consultation, the Guardian would advise you to give up the
method of asking other members to voice your opinion and suggestions. This
indirect way of expressing your views to the Assembly not only creates an
atmosphere of secrecy which is most alien to the spirit of the Cause, but would
also lead to many misunderstandings and complications. The Assembly members
must have the courage of their convictions, but must also express whole-hearted
and unqualified obedience to the well-considered judgement and directions of
the majority of their fellow-members.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter dated 28 October 1935 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi
to an individual believer; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I,