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Aug 21, 2018

The “spirit of co-operation and mutual assistance” among believers

…consider, if among the people who are merely the manifestations of the world of being this significant matter [co-operation, mutual assistance and reciprocity] is of such importance, how much greater must be the spirit of co-operation and mutual assistance among those who are the essences of the world of creation, who have sought the sheltering shadow of the heavenly Tree, and are favoured by the manifestations of divine grace; and how the evidences of this spirit should, through their earnest endeavour, their fellowship and concord, become manifest in every sphere of their inner and outer lives, in the realm of the spirit and divine mysteries and in all things related to this world and the next. Thus there can be no doubt that they must be willing even to offer up their lives for each other. 
- 'Abdu'l-Bahá  (The Compilation of Compilations, vol. I, Huququ’llah)