- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a
Tablet; Online Baha’i Reference Library of the Baha’i World Center)
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Sep 9, 2018
What happens when “the light of faith is kindled in the lamp of the heart and soul”
When the light of faith is kindled in the lamp of the heart
and soul, its spreading rays illumine every limb of the body. When this
resplendent light shineth forth through the medium of the tongue, it is made
manifest in the powers of speech and utterance. When its beams fall upon the
eyes, insight and true vision are revealed, and when it stirreth the ear, it
bestoweth attentive hearing. When this light sheddeth its radiance upon the
mind, it leadeth to the recognition of the All-Merciful, and when it setteth
aglow the limbs, it findeth expression in purity the worship of God. Otherwise,
all physical powers, all limbs and members would remain useless and futile and
their actions would fade like a mirage in the desert.