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Nov 9, 2018

“The Administrative Order conceived by Baha'u'llah”

The Administrative Order conceived by Baha'u'llah accomplishes its divinely ordained purpose through a system of institutions, each with its defined sphere of action. The central governing body of the Order is the Universal House of Justice, whose terms of reference are the revealed Word of  Baha'u'llah together with the interpretations and expositions of 'Abdu'l-Baha  and the Guardian. Under its guidance, legislative, executive and judicial authority over the affairs of the Baha'i community is exercised by Local and National Spiritual Assemblies. This authority is also exercised by Regional Councils, committees and other agencies established by these institutions, to the extent that it is so delegated. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message dated 1 January 2001)