We… call upon every true-hearted Baha'i to consecrate his
life anew to the service of God and the betterment of the lot of mankind, so
that manpower will not be lacking in the fields of pioneering, teaching and
administrative service. Most urgently, may every believer give sacrificially of
his substance, each in accordance with his means, to the funds of the Cause,
local, national, continental and international, so that the material resources
-- the lifeblood of all activities -- will be adequate to the tremendous work
that we have to perform in the months and years immediately ahead. It requires
a concentration of effort, a unity of purpose and a degree of self-sacrifice to
match the heroic exertions of the victors of past plans in the progress of the
- The Universal House of Justice (From a message dated 2 January 1984;
‘Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986’)