- 'Abdu'l-Baha (Words of
‘Abdu’l-Baha recorded by Dr. Edward Getsinger in the Holy Land, 1905; Star
of the West, Vol. VI, No.6, p. 43; compilation: Lights of Guidance)
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Aug 7, 2019
“Let the servant be known by his deeds, by his life!”
The ones in real authority are known by their humility and self-sacrifice
and show no attitude of superiority over the friends. Some time ago a tablet
was written stating that none are appointed to any authority to do anything but
to serve the Cause as true servants of the friends - and for this no tablet is
necessary; such service when true and unsefish, requires no announcement, nor
following, nor written document. Let the servant be known by his deeds, by his
life! To be approved of God alone should be one's aim.