- ‘Abdu'l-Baha ('Selections from the Writings of
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Dec 20, 2019
The “real Christian”: - “that soul from whose comely face there shineth the splendour of Christ, and who showeth forth the perfections of the Kingdom”
Thou didst begin thy letter with a blessed phrase, saying:
'I am a Christian.' O would that all were truly Christian! It is easy to be a
Christian on the tongue, but hard to be a true one. Today some five hundred
million souls are Christian, but the real Christian is very rare: he is that
soul from whose comely face there shineth the splendour of Christ, and who
showeth forth the perfections of the Kingdom; this is a matter of great moment,
for to be a Christian is to embody every excellence there is. I hope that thou,
too, shalt become a true Christian.