He [the Báb] enjoined them [Letters of the Living] to
observe the utmost caution and moderation in their behavior, unveiled the
loftiness of their rank, and stressed the magnitude of their responsibilities.
He recalled the words addressed by Jesus to His disciples, and emphasized the
superlative greatness of the New Day. He warned them lest by turning back they
forfeit the Kingdom of God, and assured them that if they did God’s bidding,
God would make them His heirs and spiritual leaders among men. He hinted at the
secret, and announced the approach, of a still mightier Day, and bade them
prepare themselves for its advent. He called to remembrance the triumph of
Abraham over Nimrod, of Moses over Pharaoh, of Jesus over the Jewish people,
and of Muhammad over the tribes of Arabia, and asserted the inevitability and
ultimate ascendancy of His own Revelation.
- Shoghi Effendi (‘God
Passes By)