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Jul 12, 2020

Book: ‘Baha’u’llah and the New Era’ – “gives the finest and most effective presentation of the various aspects of the Cause”

… in connection with various aspects of his (Dr. Esslemont’s) book. I am enclosing various suggestions of Mr. Dreyfus-Barney and of Mr. Roy Wilhelm made by them at my request, during their last sojourn in the Holy Land. I submit them to Dr. Esslemont’s consideration as well as to that of the Spiritual Assembly. I very deeply regret my inability to give the attention I desire to this admirable work of his, but will assuredly do all in my power to aid him in the final stages of his work. I am certain however that the book as it now stands gives the finest and most effective presentation of the various aspects of the Cause to the mind of the Oriental as well as to that of the Westerner. May it arouse a genuine and widespread interest in the Cause throughout the world. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 23 December 1922; ‘The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahá’í Community’)