Glorified art Thou, O Lord my God! Can anyone befittingly
thank Thee for such blessings as Thou hast sent down from the heaven of Thy
oneness and the firmament of Thy Will, blessings which Thou hast reserved for
the people of Bahá in the realm of creation? Nay, by Thy might, O Thou the
Beloved of the worlds and the sole Desire of them that have recognized Thee!
Wert Thou to endow every creature of earth and heaven with a myriad tongues,
even to the number of the atoms of the universe, and were they to yield Thee
thanks, so long as Thy kingdom and Thy dominion endure, for the bounties which
Thou hast bestowed upon Thy loved ones in this Day—a Day whereon Thou hast
revealed Thyself in Thine own Essence and inmost Being to the dwellers of earth
and heaven, and in Thy Beauty to the inhabitants of the cities of eternity, and
through Thy Names to them that are immersed in the billowing oceans of
grandeur—yet would their thanksgiving fade into nothingness before that which
Thou hast bestowed upon them through Thy grace and bounty.
- Baha’u’llah (‘Days
of Remembrance’)