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Aug 4, 2023

“Exalt your effort and magnify your aims”

… O ye believers of God! Exalt your effort and magnify your aims. His Holiness Christ says: Blessed are the poor, for theirs shall be the Kingdom of Heaven. [Matthew 5:3] In other words: Blessed are the nameless and traceless poor, for they are the leaders of mankind. Likewise it is said in the Qur’án: “And We desire to show favor to those who were brought low in the land, and to make them spiritual leaders among men, and to make of them Our heirs.” [Qur’án 28:5] Or, we wish to grant a favor to the impotent souls and suffer them to become the inheritors of the Messengers and Prophets. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of the Divine Plan)