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Sep 7, 2024

“Each creature is the recipient of some portion” of the rays of “the Essence of Divinity, the Sun of Truth”

… the Essence of Divinity, the Sun of Truth, shines forth upon all horizons and is spreading its rays upon all things. Each creature is the recipient of some portion of that power, and man, who contains the perfection of the mineral, the vegetable and animal, as well as his own distinctive qualities, has become the noblest of created beings. It stands written that he is made in the Image of God. Mysteries that were hidden he discovers; and secrets that were concealed he brings into the light. By Science and by Art he brings hidden powers into the region of the visible world. Man perceives the hidden law in created things and co-operates with it. 

- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk in London, England, September 17, 1911; “‘Abdu’l-Baha in London”)