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Nov 16, 2024

“Become ye intoxicated with the wine of the love of God, and not with that which deadeneth your minds, O ye that adore Him!”

Drink ye, O handmaidens of God, the Mystic Wine from the cup of My words. Cast away, then, from you that which your minds abhor, for it hath been forbidden unto you in His Tablets and His Scriptures. Beware lest ye barter away the River that is life indeed for that which the souls of the pure-hearted detest. Become ye intoxicated with the wine of the love of God, and not with that which deadeneth your minds, O ye that adore Him! Verily, it hath been forbidden unto every believer, whether man or woman. Thus hath the sun of My commandment shone forth above the horizon of My utterance, that the handmaidens who believe in Me may be illumined. 

- Baha’u’llah  (Quoted by Shoghi Effendi in "The Advent of Divine Justice"; The Compilation of Compilations, vol. II, Prohibition on Drinking Alcohol)