- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (‘Selections of the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’)
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Jun 10, 2019
“make firm your steps in His Cause, with such resolve that ye shall not be shaken though the direst of calamities assail the world”
O ye lovers of God, make firm your steps in His Cause, with
such resolve that ye shall not be shaken though the direst of calamities assail
the world. By nothing, under no conditions, be ye perturbed. Be ye anchored
fast as the high mountains, be stars that dawn over the horizon of life, be
bright lamps in the gatherings of unity, be souls humble and lowly in the
presence of the friends, be innocent in heart. Be ye symbols of guidance and
lights of godliness, severed from the world, clinging to the handhold that is
sure and strong, spreading abroad the spirit of life, riding the Ark of
salvation. Be ye daysprings of generosity, dawning-points of the mysteries of
existence, sites where inspiration alighteth, rising-places of splendours,
souls that are sustained by the Holy Spirit, enamoured of the Lord, detached
from all save Him, holy above the characteristics of humankind, clothed in the
attributes of the angels of heaven, that ye may win for yourselves the highest
bestowal of all, in this new time, this wondrous age.