This Major Plan of God, carried out for the most part
through the agency of people who are ignorant of its course and even
antagonistic to its purpose, proceeds tumultuously, turbulently, as the
Almighty makes use of the works of His disobedient children to tear down the
barriers to human unity and weld mankind into a unified whole. It was in
relation to the operation of this Plan that, in the opening paragraphs of
"The Promised Day is Come", the beloved Guardian characterized the
devastating effects of the Second World War as "this great and mighty wind
of God".
- The Universal House of Justice (From a letter dated 30 August 1987, written on behalf of the Universal House of
Justice to a Local Spiritual Assembly; compilation: ’Holocaust, the Greater Plan
of God, and the Destiny of the Jewish People’, prepared by the Research
Department of the Universal House of Justice)