…the coming of the Báb, Whose Birth two centuries ago we now
honour, gave rise to unprecedented ferment in the country where He was born.
The moment of His appearance, like the appearance of all such Figures,
precipitated the release of powerful spiritual forces—but there was no
accompanying spectacle. There was instead a late evening conversation, in a
modest Persian dwelling, between a student of religion and his youthful Host,
during which that Host revealed that He was the Promised One, the divine
Educator His guest had been seeking. “Observe attentively,” He remarked, “Might
not the Person intended … be none other than I?” It is this Youth, the Báb,
that we acclaim as the One Whose coming—after an interval of a thousand
years—shed the light of divine guidance once again upon the human world.
- The Universal House of Justice (From a
message dated October 2019, addressed to ‘all who have come to honour the
Herald of a new Dawn’)