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Jun 12, 2020

The “best way” we “can serve the interests of humanity and hasten the day when at least the Lesser Peace will become a reality”

He cannot urge upon you all sufficiently, and through you the believers, the importance of Bahá'ís realizing that direct, concentrated, and efficiently carried out Bahá'í work is not only their supreme duty but the best way they can serve the interests of humanity and hasten the day when at least the Lesser Peace will become a reality. We must always bear in mind that Bahá'u'lláh's Order is the sovereign remedy, and all other measures, inaugurated by the United Nations or various governments, are in the nature of palliatives, however sound and progressive they may be. We must concentrate on perfecting our characters as individual Bahá'ís and on maturing our still embryonic, and as yet imperfectly understood, World Order; on spreading the Message, according to the provisions of the Divine Plan; and on building a tightly-knit, world-wide Bahá'í community. We are relatively few in numbers, and have such a precious, unique, and responsible task to carry out, we must concentrate our full forces upon it. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, Baha’i News 197, July, 1947; ‘Principles of Bahai Administration’)