In His Tablets Bahá'u'lláh says that were we able to
comprehend the felicities that await us in the world to come, death would lose
its sting; nay rather we would welcome it as a gate-way to a realm immeasurably
higher and nobler than this home of suffering we call our earth. You should
therefore think of their blessings and comfort yourself for your momentary
separation. In time all of us will join our departed ones and share their joys.
- Shoghi Effendi (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, dated January 13, 1932, in an unpublished
compilation, "Life After Death," enclosed with a letter from the
Universal House of Justice, dated September 6, 1973; compilation: Developing
Distinctive Baha’i Communities, NSA of USA, 1998 edition)